Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blue Crew (Terms 1 & 2)
 2016 Project

Gus's Water Filter
1. My filter works by allowing the water to go through the top and down a bottle and through another bottle with stones and through a cat food can and down the pipe and into the tank.

2. My filter is made of 2 bottles, 1 cat food can and a piece of pipe.

3. My filter has a hole in the top of the top bottle to let the water in. It goes down the bottle into another bottle with stones then into the cat food can and out the pipe.

4. I made my filter by putting the the top bottle on a large milk bottle which I cut a hole in it and hot glued a can with a pipe in it.

By Gus

Yuosmunea, Caden & Lorenzo's Water Filter

Our water filter works like this you put water in the top and there is plastic netting at the top of the filter. At the bottom of the filter there is a lot of stones and at the bottom of the stones there is a sponge.

The first part of the filter is the plastic netting that get’s rid of the big leaves the stones get rid of the dirt.we made it like this we cut the top of a sparkling water bottle and then we got a  milk bottle and cut a circle in it and then we got a bottom of  a bottle and cut a line in it and made smaller and glued it together and then we got the bottom of the sparkling water bottle and put a sponge  at the bottom  and then we surround it with stone’s and then we glued it on to the rest.

We made it like this: We cut the top of a sparkling water bottle and then we got a  milk bottle and cut a circle in it and then we got a bottom of a bottle and cut a line in it and made it smaller and glued it together and then we got the bottom of the sparkling water bottle and put a sponge at the bottom and then we surrounded it with stones and then we glued it on to the rest.

By Yuosmunea, Caden & Lorenzo

Owen and Sarel's water filter

It is made out of big stones, little stones sticks and bottle netting. We made it by getting a small bottle and putting small stones and small sticks in it. Lastly, we put big stones at the top.

Finally, we glued netting on the top and cut a hole in the side of the bottle then we got a tube or top of a different bottle and glued it to the side for a overflow system then we were done!   

By Owen and Sarel